Social Mobility

As a world leader in recruitment solutions, Adecco has a responsibility to encourage and increase employability for people with under-realised working potential – including refugees, people with disabilities, people with lived experiences of homelessness and ex-offenders. Our social mobility initiatives spark opportunities for talented individuals and give employers the confidence and tools to hire strong candidates.

Social Mobility

Unlocking young people’s career potential with Barnardo’s 

Our partnership with Barnardo’s, the UK’s largest national children’s charity, uses our proven recruitment expertise to boost young people’s employability and ready them for the world of work. 

Adecco and Barnardo’s work hand in hand to raise awareness, support and vital funds for the charity’s Employment, Training and Skills (ETS) programme. The main goal is to reach young people aged 16-24 who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) and help them take their first steps in the professional world. Our teams strengthen these important initial efforts with purpose-built employment, training and skills workshops. Young people in locations with the most pressing need receive personalised CV, interview and career guidance from our expert hiring specialists. 

In addition to providing targeted career support, the partnership also includes large-scale volunteering and fundraising commitments.


"Refugee" mentoring in partnership with Tent

Behind the label of refugee there are valuable skills, work experience and people with much to offer businesses, organisations and local communities. With the right opportunity, employers can benefit from multi-lingual talent that is open to learning.  

We understand securing work that feels meaningful and long lasting is the first step towards belonging to a community. Achieving financial autonomy, being part of a team, and finding a place to call home means people stop surviving and start living.  

Refugee women face steep barriers when entering a new workforce. In partnership with Tent, our volunteer mentoring programme provides skills, resources and 1:1 coaching to help women navigate a shifting job market and advance their careers. At Adecco, we continue to push boundaries and strive to set the example so that the future works for everyone.

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