


We design, develop, and trial assessments to provide an objective, reliable and valid measure of candidates’ skills.   We use a variety of techniques and tools in our practice which range from role analysis to situational judgement tests, as well as assessment centre design and assessor training.   With our assessment delivery centre, we host assessment events for volume recruitment roles such as graduates and experienced hires.  
Following candidate selection, we continue our support by scheduling interviews and preparing interview materials. Interviews can be held in-person or virtually, and hiring managers are fully supported as the recruitment process progresses.  Our innovative approach to assessment design underpins all our work and we can provide assessment centre managers, assessors, role players and administrative support ensuring the end-to-end process is fully covered.



Why Adecco?
  • ADO_icon_web__60 countries

    1,700 colleagues in the UK

  • ADO_icon_web__70 000 Workers

    38,000 employess worldwide

  • ADOiconweb50 Clients

    4300 + clients supported

  • ADO_icon_web__450 Locations

    UK Based delivery centre